Do You Hear What I Hear?

Apr 16, 2011

The Lenten Journey

Day 38:  The Final Days
The house is full of laughter, children, grand children – family.  As I near the end of this forty day journey, life is full.  There are little voices who call out before I’m ready to respond.  There are bright faces excited about the adventures of the day.  In less than three days I have gone from my mom and dad and the toll aging takes - to the joys of life in its beginning.  A friend’s father died last week and calls and shares sweet memories.  An email tells me that a mother has been given the verdict – cancer in remission.  Another friend sends me a picture of a new great grandbaby for the minister that opened our eyes to a vibrant relationship with God.  Mom and Dad got home and one of dad’s friends had departed for heaven while he was visiting us.  Beginnings and Endings!  Oh, I want to capture all that Abba has and is saying to me.  The beauty of what He has shown me of Himself in this journey   I am about to end.  I realize my love for Him has expanded because of all He has provided.   I get  sad when I realize that I can get too busy to enjoy – His Word that He longs to share with me; His gifts that are signs of His love; His expansion of my Spiritual Family that are out of my “box”; the magnitude of what He intends my marriage to be and His purpose and plans for it; and the sweetness of why He places us in a family.    How will I respond?  Will I put my Forty Day Lenten Journal in a drawer and go back to life as usual?  I don’t think so.  I have fallen in love with Him in a different way – not trying to prove I’m worthy or that I will work hard enough to prove “He got a good deal” with me.  No, I hopefully will stay focused,  as they say  it takes about forty days to form a habit.  I want to keep this habit.  I want to continue to wake up each morning and ask:  What would you like today, my Abba?  So what did He ask for today and what did I give Him ?  I gave Him my Focus so I could enjoy my family, love them as they are and give them the privilege of being who they are.  I gave Him a quiet spirit and an open adoration for my man.  In other words, I enjoyed this day and can sing:  This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made.  I did rejoice, I did rejoice and was glad in it.  Thank You Abba.

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