Do You Hear What I Hear?

Apr 8, 2011

The Lenten Journey

Day 29: No Dieting – Spiritual That Is!
Are you ready to pay attention today?  Will you slow down and allow Me, your Abba, to point out all the special things I have for you today?  OK, confession, through the last couple of weeks I have put on some pounds and the blue jeans let me know it today.  I am focused on salads because I don’t have a problem until I reach a certain weight and then it is out of control.  This winter has been a very special time, not much conflict, working through old junk – thanks to the steps in Al Anon (which is a great program for whatever  issue need fixing).   I think I have gotten “fat and happy.”  I’m one of those weird persons who loses weight when things are out of kilter so I generally don’t have weight issues, because when is there something in life not out of kilter.  But thanks to “working my steps”, the “out of kilter” things haven’t bothered me.   All that is to say as I woke up today I was focused on only eating healthy stuff.  I woke up singing Break Thou The Bread of Life – see I’m focused spiritually, mentally and physically!  But then I heard:  “Pattigail, no spiritual dieting today.  Feed on every lovely thing I place before you.  Springtime flowers and trees, family, grandbabies, mom and dad, think about what a special man you have (he’s home taking care of things while I have a “family fix”. )  Look for me in everything.  Use all your senses and be keenly aware of all I shower on you.   Oh, I think I’m going to have a wonderful “chocolate day”.  Thank you Abba

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