Day 32: Dream Without Boundaries
This morning I woke up with the thought of having a Dream – a God Sized Dream - and then the thought: Will I allow it to happen? I have had dreams through the years, but being a “Pleaser” I allow myself to figure out how my dreams will affect others and then I sabotage the outcome, but then want to blame them.
I long to be a strong woman and accomplish God's purpose for my life and not be "Chicken Little". I am always amazed when a woman is strong enough to follow her “gut” and accomplish something or do things no one thought she could.
OK, once I get the idea, I ask if it is God or Pat. Today being Sunday, I went to Chapel and a Quaker minister led us in worship. The reason I mentioned this is because Quakers stop during the service for times of quiet to reflect on what has been sung or said and to meditate or hear from God. We visisted the story of Zacchaeus , we explored what it means to be a sinner as that is what the "religious" people called him. Jesus didn’t deny this but His presence caused Zac to repent – change his mind about his life – and realize that he was Lost – which was explained as “not knowing where you are” (don’t you just love it). The opposite of lost is found – called back to God, restored to our place as beloved - or to get back on the pilgrimage! (I have been to Israel on a Pilgrimage so I understand that differently now)
At the end of the service we were asked to Listen to what God was saying to us. My thoughts were directed to: STOP the direction you are going. I God want to spend time alone with you and you can't have a God Dream unless you give me, God, your calendar. It was then that I realized that this was God's request today - Alone with Him. No frantic trying to work it into my schedule, just check in with Him and OBEY. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with the thought of God longing to have my undivided attention and for me to be content being with Him - alone. The thought of the Potter’s House came up and the longing to respond and be alone with God almost overwhelmed me. From habit my first thought was how I could work this out! I heard the quiet voice –after you take your daughter and family back to Asheville after Easter – come spend time with Me. Oh my will I look at my calendar and try to “juggle” or will I say “Yes Abba”? Oh my soul is giddy that God wants o spend time with me - alone. God Dreams. . .Yes Yes Yes
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