Do You Hear What I Hear?

Mar 31, 2011

The Lenten Journey

Day 23:  Confession Day
I am dealing today!   You know dealing as in the sense of always wanting to be charging forward.  I jump out of bed, grab my cup of coffee and am on the lookout for what the “God Assignment / Adventure” is going to be.  Anxiety sometimes plagues me as I deal with GAD (inherited –won’t go away-must be dealt with-prayers for it to leave are responded to with:  “And He said unto me, My  grace is sufficient for you:  for My strength is made perfect in weakness.  II Corinthians 12:9)  My verses for this year are Isaiah 30:15 – In quietness and trust is your strength and Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.  Well I have quoted these verses over and over and have been so proud of myself for staying focused.  However, today – and if I am truthful, for quite a few days – God has been sending me signals that I’m not getting it and He wants me to give Him the gift of being Quiet and Still.  I wrote in my journal this morning:  Lord, I am struggling right now.  Busyness assuages the yearning in my heart to think I am close to you, but you know how I deal with wanting to be “important for You.”  You also know that in my poor little blond brain being quiet and still equals nothing  .  OK, Here is my hand.  You are going to have to hold me real tight for me to be still.  Oh my, I got still for a moment going “Duh, this is not natural and.   .   .  .  .  .
 Oh Oh Oh, I just got the picture of Spring Cleaning -  I have been doing that for two weeks and as I clean out the clutter and cobwebs, things are roomier and smell so good.  That’s what You are doing.  Sweeping Me clean of Busyness so I will be clutter free and have a sweet aroma. 
Hmm, I guess I have to be Still for Him to Create a Clean Heart in Me and give Him what He is requesting of me today. Thank goodness Jesus is in heaven interceding for me - so there might be Victory!

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