Do You Hear What I Hear?

Mar 19, 2011

The Lenten Journey

Day 11:  Acquitted of all Wrong Doing
I delved into John 3 this morning.  I wasn’t sensing where I would be led today because I am dealing with Island “Junk” that has my brain scattered and me questioning my motives and desires.  I wanted to ask God if He thought I could choose what I want to give Him today!   The answer was “no baby doll, I have a better idea than you.”  It was then that the light bulb went off in my head regarding all the mistakes and sins - intentional and unintentional - that I have  made,  which hang around in my head and rob me of the abundant life.  I have so many regrets wishing that I had been a better wife, a better mom and could/would be more understanding with my aging parents.  The old swirl of what ifs surfaced.  What if I had learned God’s assignment for my marriage earlier and handled the differences between Ken and me in a different way.  What if I had acknowledged that my kids weren’t mine to turn into little me’s – which I am comfortable with – instead of all the turmoil and trauma that I created by not understanding so many things about parenthood?  Well, I did the best I knew how but learning over the long haul that I cannot be perfect or “do it” perfect as there is only one Person who can claim that?  Well, for today I heard my Abba say:  “How would your life be different today if you truly believed that all your sins and the messes they have created are “Forgiven” or are only a prayer away from being Forgiven?   How would it be if He touched me with a magic wand and I turned into Snow White?  Oh my, I did take a bite out of the apple of “self will or ignorance or disobedience,” but God has and can take care of that completely and has or will pronounce:  Snow White – you are mine.  I am your Prince and I have come to rescue you and have brought you into a glorious life if You will accept this Gift.  Will you accept my kiss of Forgiveness?  Oh my, can it be as simple as choosing to live in the belief of I John 1:9 – If I confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me All my iniquities and to cleanse me  of All unrighteousness!  Voila:  Snow White.  Yes I bit many apples but my Prince is ready and willing to give me the Kiss of New Life each day!  Now back to His desire for me today: “ Baby Doll will you live in Forgiveness – period!?”  OK, I’m no dummy!  I know a wonderful gift  when it is given and He is not asking me to do anything but accept a present from Him.  Oh Yes.  Signing off –


  1. Well said... I like that our sins are "as far as east is from west". What a comfort!

  2. Me too Nancy!!! I'm so enjoying Pat's Lenten Journey
